Senior Dog Losing A Lot Of Weight? 3 Things That Could Be Wrong

17 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

It is common for senior dogs to gain or lose a little weight, but if your dog is losing a lot of weight then there is something wrong. Because of this, you need to take your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Below are three things that could be wrong with your dog so you will know what to expect when you take it to the vet.


If your older dog does not drink enough water, they will become dehydrated. This is something you will likely not notice in the beginning. The main symptoms of weight loss due to dehydration include dark urine, less frequent urination, sunken eyes, tiredness, dry gums, and loss of skin elasticity.

There are things you can do to ensure your dog gets enough water each day. First, make sure you clean their water bowl weekly. If the bowl has any kind of smell to it, your dog may not want to drink from it. Also, there should always be fresh water in the bowl.

If your dog eats dry dog food, add some low sodium chicken broth to it to wet it down.  In addition, you should consider switching from dry to canned dog food since canned food contains a lot of water. If your dog does not like only canned food, you can mix dry and canned food together.

Dental Problems

Your dog may have dental problems which are causing him or her to lose weight. For example, they may drool excessively, have problems with chewing and eating, have bad breath, and their gums may be bleed or swell. One of their teeth may be broken or they could have an infected tooth. These things can cause pain and your dog will not want to eat. Your dog may also have a more serious dental problem, such as gum disease or gingivitis.

For problems with bad breath and buildup, you can purchase a special pet toothpaste and a dog toothbrush to brush your dog's teeth. Purchase your dog treats they can chew on, such as a bone, since chewing helps remove tarter buildup on their teeth.


If your dog has symptoms like excessive thirst, more frequent urination, increased appetite, urinary tract infections, and lethargy, these are all symptoms of diabetes.  Even if your dog eats their normal amount of food, they can still lose weight if they have this disease as diabetes stops your dog from getting enough energy from glucose inside their body. When this happens, their body converts fat into energy, resulting in weight loss. The only way to treat diabetes is from a special diet, medications, or shots. What is done for your dog will depend on how severe their diabetes is.

Make an appointment with a veterinarian at a pet hospital to get your dog the care that he or she needs.
